Archive for April 2014

  • Cara mudah dapat uang dari Internet

    Hello semuanya...
    lama gak posting yang hangat hangat...
    sekarang mimin mau post tentang salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan uang lewat internet, pengen tau caranya?
    oke langsung aja ke topik bahasan kalo gitu...

    jadi, begini... apakah kalian sering mendengar atau melihat iklan iklan di google yang mengatakan "Google bless me with $300 per month" kalian tau artinya bukan? buat yang belum tau nih ya. jadi si pembuat iklan itu hendak mengatakan seperti ini. "Google telah memberkati (atau memberi berkat) saya dengan 300 dolar per bulan" kira kira seperti itu.
    tapi apakah mungkin internet bisa memberi kita uang dengan cuma cuma???

    tungu dulu, apa kalian berpikir seperti itu? internet tidak begitu saja memberikan kita uang, kita mendapatkan uang dalam rangka membantu mereka menaikkan jumlah traffic mereka, dimana mereka juga dibayar atas traffic tersebut, dengan kata lain ini adalah hubungan saling menguntungkan oleh si penyedia jasa dan orang yang bergabung. baiklah, buat yang pengen cepet cepet belajar... jadi cara mendapatkan uang dari internet salah satu caranya dengan PPC atau PPC langsung saja mimin berikan kalian satu cara untuk mendapatkan uang dengan mudah okey... check this out!

    Langkah Pertama:
    Klik Link ini... kalian akan di redirect ke salah satu jasa PPC bernama VisitsToMoney seperti gambar dibawah...

    Langkah Kedua:
    Lalu setelah masuk ke indexnya VisitsToMoney, kalian cari Register Now biasanya ada di bawah Member Login...

    Langkah Ketiga & Terakhir:
    Login ke akun kalian lalu kalian copy spesial code kalian untuk kalian share ke socmed,blog,dll..
    ini contoh punya mimin...

    Sedikit tip dari mimin. Jika kalian inging dapat uang lebih cepat dan memiliki...
    lebih baik kalian buat banner yang menarik dengan menyertakan alamat spesial code kalian contohnya...
    buat satu widget baru dari Blogger lalu tulis code ini...
    <img src="cari di internet"><a href="code spesial kalian" target="_blank"></a>
    selamat mencoba... untuk info lebih lanjut mengenai VisitsToMoney ada di webnya langsung, kalo belum ngerti silahkan corat coret dibawah...

    best regard 

    Ingat tolong hargai karya orang, kalo copas sertakan sourcenya...

  • Anime Corner (Date A Live Season 2)



    Spirits—Beings that take the shape of innocent girls. Yet despite their beautiful appearance, they're fearsome beings with incredible power. There are only two methods to render them powerless—either exterminate them with force, Or date them and capture their hearts!


    Shido Itsuka, who used to be a normal high school student at Raizen High, meets the first Spirit, Tohka, and awakens his power to “seal the Spirit's power”. Though they may be feared and hated beings due to their immense power, Spirits were always alone and knew only combat and death. Shido, the only one in the world with the power to seal the Spirits' might, hurls himself into life-threatening dates with the beautiful Spirits in order to save them.
    Those who seek to exterminate spirits, those who seek to save them, those driven by hatred, and those being used. As all of these intentions collide, those who truly make the world go round will rise up out of the shadows. And Shido finally learns the truth about himself! As the story picks up speed, what conclusion will it lead to?! “The ‘Royal Kingdom’ has inverted. Now out of the way, humans.” Reencounters In order to save the “Spirits” he met inside special quakes, Shido underwent training with support from Ratatosk. Shido is suddenly confused by Kotori's direction to “Seduce your teacher”! And then another special quake alert rang out…


    Shido Itsuka
    VA:Nobunaga Shimazaki
    Shido is a sophomore at Amamiya City's Raizen High School. After past incidents, his power to seal the power of Spirits within him awoke. Since then, he's been working together with Ratatosk under the command of his little sister, helping to continue saving multiple Spirits. His parents are busy and often out, so he's capable of all household chores as the central pillar of his family, including cooking.
    Tohka Yatogami
    VA: Marina Inoue
    The first Spirit Shido saved. She's bright, active, innocent, and doesn't know how to doubt others. Under Ratatosk's arrangements, she's now Shido's classmate as well. She's a big eater, and goes extra crazy over soy bread and Shido's home cooking. She's absolutely head over heels for Shido. The angel she conjures is Sandalphon.
    Origami Tobiichi
    VA:Misuzu Togashi
    Shido's classmate and self-proclaimed lover. She's the top of Raizen High both in academics and sports, as well as mysterious good looks, while also being a talented member of the JGSDF's Anit Spirit Team. In her past she lost her parents in an attack by Spirits, and she's sworn vengeance in her heart. Despite her impression as a collected girl, she's very aggressive in expressing her affections for Shido.
    Kotori Itsuka
    VA:Ayana Taketatsu
    Shido's little sister, who, due to someone's interference, later became a Spirit. When she's wearing her trademark white ribbons, she's a cute, innocent little sister—but when she's wearing her black ribbons, she's the commander of Ratatosk, trying to converse with Spirits and resolve spatial quakes. She's always carrying lolipos around in her personal case. The angel she conjures is Camael.
    VA:Iori Nomizu
    The second Spirit Shido rescued. She's very demure and shy, but the best friend on her left hand, Yoshinon, is bright and loves jokes. Amongst all the strongly unique Spirits, Yoshino's presence is an oasis for Shido. The angel she conjures is Zadkiel.
    Reine Murasame
    VA:Aya Endo
    Head Analyst and Crew Member of Ratatosk's airship Fraxinus. She suffers insomnia, so she always looks sleepy. Although she often says strange things or behaves oddly, she's an excellent analyst.


    Shido Itsuka
    Nobunaga Shimazaki
    Tohka Yatogami
    Marina Inoue
    Origami Tobiichi
    Misuzu Togashi
    Kotori Itsuka
    Ayana Taketatsu
    Iori Nomizu
    Reine Murasame
    Aya Endo


    Original Story
    Koushi Tachibana
    Original Illustration
    Tsunako (“Dragon Magazine” serial: , “Fantasy Library” Publication)
    Keitaro Motonaga
    Visual Director
    Hisashi Saito
    Series Composition
    Hideki Shirane
    Character Design
    Satoshi Ishino
    Chief Animation Director
    Cagetzu Aizawa
    Chief Mechanical Director
    Hiroyuki Kanbe
    Mechanical Design
    Mika Akitaka & Yasuhiro Moriki
    Prop Design
    Goichi Iwahata
    Art Director
    Takashi Ichikura (Atelier Platz)
    Art Design
    Hiroki Matsumoto (Atelier Platz)
    Color Design
    Atsushi Furukawa
    3DCG Director
    Tetsuya Watanabe
    Composite Director
    Tsubasa Yokoyama (T2 Studio)
    Yoshiaki Kimura (IMAGICA)
    Setting Research
    Takaaki Suzuki
    Sound Director
    Yasunori Ebina
    Sound Effects
    Kiyotaka Kawada
    Go Sakabe
    Music Production
    Nippon Columbia
    Sound Production
    OP Theme
    sweet ARMS “Trust in you”
    Animation Production
    Production IMS
    Date A Live II Production Committee
  • Caleg Diduga Bandar Togel di Mojokerto

    weleh weleh parah bener ya politik di Indonesia masa orang kayak gini bisa menjadi calon orang yang harusnya dicontoh? parah...
    Langsung baca aja ya..., Surabaya- Tim dari Judi Susila, Subdit Jatanras, Ditreskrimum Polda Jatim sedang memburu seorang calon legislatif (caleg) yang diduga menjadi bandar judi toto gelap (Togel), pelaku tersebut berinisial SP alias IK asal Mojokerto, yang diduga telah cukup lama menjalankan bisnis sebagai bandar togel di daerah Mojokerto Jawa Timur.

    Perburuan tersebut bermula dari penangkapan terhadap 3 pengecer togel di Mojokerto. Dalam pemeriksaan tiga pengecer yakni Didik (35), Iswanto (25) dan Dwi (18) warga Cakarayam Baru, Prajurit Kulon, Mojokerto mengaku setor ke SP alias IK.

    "Memang dalam pemeriksaan 3 tersangka itu mengaku setor ke seseorang yang kabarnya berstatus sebagai caleg. Petugas masih melakukan penyelidikan dan pendalaman atas perkara ini," ujar Kombes Pol Awi Setiyono Kabid Humas Polda Jatim saat dihubungi di Surabaya, Jumat (4/4/2014).

    Penyidik Polda Jatim sudah sempat mengeler para tersangka tersebut. Bahkan polisi sempat membawa tiga tersangka untuk dipertemukan dengan caleg yang dikatanya menjadi bandar tersebut. Tapi petugas belum punya bukti kuat untuk menyeret caleg itu dalam kasus perjudian tersebut karena tiga tersangka belum sempat menyerahkan uang setoran hasil pemasangan togel tersebut.

    "Penyidik masih berupaya melakukan penyelidikan dan pendalaman atas perkara tersebut. Khususnya, pendalaman dan pembuktian atas pengakuan tiga tersangka ini untuk mengungkap semua jaringannya," ujar dia.

    Kata Awi, meskipun berstatus sebagai caleg atau apapun, jika terbukti bersalah pasti akan dilakukan penindakan. "Jadi tidak ada alasan untuk tidak menindak jika seorang caleg telah melakukan pelanggaran hukum," pungkas Awi. 

    See more at:
  • White House criticised Samsung

    Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz (left) poses for a "selfie" with President Barack Obama
    The White House has criticised Samsung for promoting a "selfie" photo taken by Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz with President Barack Obama.
    The picture was taken by Ortiz on his Samsung phone this week and was re-tweeted by Samsung to millions of the phone maker's 5.2 million followers.
    White House spokesman Jay Carney said the president's image should not be used for commercial gain.
    Samsung representatives have not so far commented on the issue.
    'Certainly object'
    Mr Carney said that White House lawyers were being consulted over the issue.
    "Without getting into counsel's discussions, I can tell you that as a rule, the White House objects to attempts to use the president's likeness for commercial purposes, and we certainly object in this case," he said.
    Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz laughs after taking a "selfie" with President ObamaOrtiz told the Boston Globe that he had more than 40,000 re-tweets of the photo
    He declined to discuss how the White House had objected.
    Ortiz gave the president a special Red Sox jersey with the president's name on it at the function on Tuesday and then persuaded him to pose for the smartphone "selfie".
    "I gave him the jersey, and the photographers were going to take their pictures and I thought, really at the last second, maybe I should snap a shot with my phone while I have the chance," Ortiz told the Boston Globe.
    "You don't get a chance to get a photo with the president every day."
    He denied that Samsung paid him any more money for taking the photo.
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